Listen Here: Sydney Barrows is a light worker who also uses various psychological energy modalities to transform the lives and businesses of her clients by removing the blocks and limiting…
Sydney Barrows
Sydney Barrows
Sydney Barrows first book, Mayflower Madam, went right to the top of the New York Times bestseller list; Fortune Magazine named it one of The Ten Best Business Books of the Year and business schools across the country, including Harvard, used it in their curriculum. Her fourth and most recent book, Uncensored Sales Strategies, was co-authored with the legendary Dan Kennedy. Sydney is a business consultant who works solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs and small businesses and professional practices to make sure they stand out from everyone else who does or sells what they do. A rapidly growing part of her business is called Roadblock Removal, which is a transformational process that enables her clients to live the rich, full, happy life of their dreams and makes it possible for them build a successful, and prosperous business that generates more than enough income to live that satisfying and fulfilling life.
Listen Here: Sydney Barrows works with solo-preneurs, entrepreneurs, small businesses and professional practices to develop a unique and compelling story – some might refer to it as a brand – and…