Listen Here: Robert Lawrence Friedman is the president of Stress Solutions, Inc. Robert is an international trainer and speaker, a published author, and has appeared on numerous television shows, including…
Robert Friedman

Robert Friedman
Robert Lawrence Friedman, MA, author, international speaker/trainer, and psychotherapist has provided workshops, training programs and keynote presentations for the past thirty years. He has provided his programming to Fortune 500 corporations, educational institutions and health care organizations throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. He was awarded the Hearst Scholar Award in 2014 by the University of Northern Iowa for his innovative work in health and wellness. Robert Friedman was featured on the year-long Discovery Health Channel documentary, Class of '75, in which he mentored five highly stressed individuals, including famed golfer, Fred Funk. Through providing specific stress management strategies, Mr. Friedman helped to create positive and sustained lifestyle changes for all of the participants. Other appearances have included Fox News, NBC News, NY One News, The Alive and Wellness Show (CNBC), The Howard Stern Show (NBC), and The Today Show (NBC).