Marketing & Image Specialist Piper Harlow is a public speaker and trainer as well as a business efficiency optimizer, who helps increase sales, connect with celebrities, and is an image…
Piper Harlow
Piper Harlow
Piper Harlow is a public speaker and trainer who speaks on how to create effective marketing and advertising campaigns, how to break through the journalistic black hole, and even speaks about her own journey overcoming anxiety and PTSD associated with 9/11. She is an industry expert in public relations, a business efficiency optimizer, helps increase sales, connect with celebrities, and is an image consultant for brands, corporations and individuals. Piper is best known for her ability to connect people and help them fulfill their dreams. Her client roster includes bestselling authors, celebrities, beauty products, gold and estate buyers, filmmakers, non-profit organizations at the U.N., animal rights and the LGBT community.