Listen Here: Judith Glaser is the founder and CEO of Benchmark Communications, Inc. and one of the most pioneering and innovative change agents, consultants and executive coaches, in the industry.…
Judith Glaser
Judith Glaser
Judith E. Glaser is an Organizational Anthropologist. She is one of the most pioneering and innovative change agents, consultants and executive coaches, in the consulting and coaching industry and is the world's leading authority on Conversational Intelligence®, WE-centric Leadership, and Neuro-Innovation, and is a best-selling author of 7 business books including her newest best seller - Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results. Judith is the founder and CEO of Benchmark Communications, Inc., and the Chairman of The Creating WE Institute with over thirty years of business experience working with CEOs and their teams in establishing WE-centric cultures poised to strategically handle business challenges in the face of moving targets. She has appeared on CBS Morning News with Charlie Rose & Gayle King, NBC's Today Show, ABC World News, The Fox News Channel, The Martha Stewart Show and the Family Network talking about We-Centric Leadership and Cultural Transformation. She is frequently quoted on her revolutionary workplace approaches in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Crain's, Harvard Business Review, The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, etc. and is a contributing Editor for Executive Excellence Magazine.