Listen Here: Child Advocate and Founder of the clean water movement Puritii for Humanity, Heshie Segal, has spent the last five years delivering special filtration systems to children around the…
Heshie Segal

Heshie Segal
Heshie Segal is a relationship expert, speaker, trainer, author, founder of the non-profit Kids Better World and initiator of the clean water movement, Puritii For Humanity. She has created and teaches programs such as How to become the CEO of your Life, Is There a Bully in Your Life? The Possibility Thinker, I Don't Want To Grow Up, Let Your Light Shine and many more. Her organizations have represented the United States at world peace initiatives and her teachings have touched children from pre-school through graduate school. She lives her passion when she works with children, helping them to discover who they were meant to be by giving them the tools they need to succeed. Be on the lookout for her GoFundMe campaigns to help those “children with less”. Heshie has an ever deepening passion is to provide clean water to children who are dying at the rate of 5000 a day from drinking contaminated water.
Listen Here: Heshie Segal is known as The Relationship Expert or The Connector in the business world however she is also known in the world of children as one who…