Writing Coach Annalisa Parent, helps writers find the confidence and expertise to bring their books from idea to publishable. Her book Storytelling for Pantsers: How to Outline and Revise your…
Annalisa Parent

Annalisa Parent
Annalisa Parent is the senior editor of Laurel Elite Books and a seasoned writing coach. A 2015 Teacher of the Year nominee for her use of neuroscientific principles; she applies these same principles to her work with writers to create confidence and success. She writes for many local, national, and international publications, has written and produced sketches for a Telly-Award winning television show. Annalisa Parent has been featured on Huffington Post Live for her novels, CBS, Associated Press and Korean Broadcast Systems, as well as many podcasts and radio programs. She is a featured speaker at the Writer’s Digest Annual Convention, and the upcoming Unicorn Writers’ Conference. Annalisa believes in taking the writing craft seriously without taking herself too seriously, and attempts to heed the wisdom of the ancient Roman poet Horace: “Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: It’s good to be silly at the right moment.”