Time Management Expert, Dr. Jan Yager, is a coach, speaker, sociologist and author of over 40 books including her latest Put More Time On Your Side: How to Manage Your Life in a Digital World.
Listen Here:
Managing Life In A Digital World
- Tell us a little about yourself and how you help others maximize their time.
- What is your philosophy of doing business? What makes you different than other coaches?
- What deliverables to do you provide clients? What can they expect?
- Who is your ideal client? How do you help them get productive?
- What tip do you have for people wanting a more efficient day? What is the #1 time waster?
To find out more about Jan Yager and her book, Put More Time on Your Side, go to her website: www.drjanyager.com or to her LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drjanyager. Her book is available wherever books are sold including www.amazon.com. For more information on Jan’s coaching services, or any upcoming workshops or webinars, e-mail her at jyager@aol.com.
EliteWire is Annie Jennings PR’s showcase of experts who work in a variety of areas from the publishing industry to the lifestyle industry. Although Annie specializes in working with authors, experts and speakers booking major media that includes radio talk shows, TV shows, national online print, magazines and newspapers, she invites others to showcase their business and expertise on the Showcase of Experts.