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Burge Smith-Lyons is the founder and CEO of Essence of Being Inc, where for more than 36 years, she has helped thousands of individuals and companies identify “Bubble Talk” or subconscious negative belief systems they may block you from achieving what you want in life on an emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical level.
Prosper Through Emotional Healing
- Tell us a little about yourself and how you developed the concept of “Bubble Talk”
- How is what you do different from other coaches and consultants?
- What can someone expect from one of your Essence Of Being workshops?
- Who is your ideal client? How can you help them be more successful?
- Can you offer a success tip to our listeners?
Go to to see all of the courses and workshops available. As a free gift for listening: Text 96000 and put in message “burge” for free videos on creating wealth. You can also go to for a free download of affirmations for prosperity.
EliteWire is Annie Jennings PR’s showcase of experts who work in a variety of areas from the publishing industry to the lifestyle industry. Although Annie specializes in working with authors, experts and speakers booking major media that includes radio talk shows, TV shows, national online print, magazines and newspapers, she invites others to showcase their business and expertise on the Showcase of Experts.